
Home Automation & Residential Security Systems | A Timely Choice for New Construction

Home Automation & Residential Security Systems A lot of decisions go into building a new home and home automation & residential security systems should be at the top of your to-do list. Smart homes have become the norm instead of the exception because of the long list of financial and lifestyle advantages. Home security technology has come a long way in recent years, making it possible for you to monitor your home no matter where you are. Home automation also plays a role in keeping your home and family safe and secure when you are away, while also boosting energy efficiency and streamlining the use of your home’s electric features. No time is more appropriate for considering security and home automation than during the construction phase. You don’t have to have any building experience to know that things like electrical wiring and plumbing need to be designed before the home is finished. This allows you to run water and electricity into all areas of the home seamlessly and out of sight once construction is complete. Home automation & residential security systems work in much the same way. Now is the perfect time to consider the types of systems you need and have the wiring in place before the house is completed. What Is Home Automation? The term makes it sound like your home is moving on its own and, in a way, it is. Home automation used to be limited to high-end homes and commercial buildings. Today, it’s an option used in homes of all sizes. The automation refers to lighting, heating and cooling, appliances, and electrical components, all of which are remotely controlled from a computer, cell phone, or other mobile device. Planning ahead makes it easier to create a system that works flawlessly from the day you move into your new home. Determining which systems to implement into your home automation and security plan is just step one. The next step is to learn everything you can about the new technology. There’s a bit of a learning curve behind these gadgets. Once you decide which systems to use, it’s a good time to start studying up on them. That way, you’ll be ready to put them to full use as soon as you move in. Best Home Protection Methods in 2024 The game between burglars and homeowners has been going on forever. We know the tips about keeping shrubbery away from the home and having mail and newspaper delivery stopped while you are away. There’s also the issue of lights going on and off at the right time. Not only should your home not be dark or light around the clock, but the times different lights go on and off need to vary. Home automation allows you to program and schedule various functions on your network. This includes having the lights turn on or off at the times you specify. You can also link events together such as having the lights turn on if someone tries to tamper with the security alarm. You can even determine when to close the blinds to keep the evening sunlight out. If you have someone who arrives daily at a pre-set time, such as a sitter or dog walker, you can set your system to automatically unlock and lock the door for them. Today, it pays to be smarter about home security. After all, burglars have gotten smarter about how they gain access to our homes. Since burglaries are the greatest threat to our homes, it pays to implement the most state-of-the-art security equipment into the bones of your new house. How It Works Home automation systems let you see who’s at your door from any location. This modern technology relies on affordable cameras to send live or recorded video to your device. The system is also capable of sending text or email alerts with images so you always know who is there and who isn’t. This technology is great for anyone who wants to keep an eye on their kids, their pets, or just monitor their home in general. Whether you are on the other side of the street or the other side of the country, you never have to worry about what goes on at home. If you just boarded the plane and think you forgot to turn off the coffee pot, no problem. Just use your cell phone to do it for you. All you need to keep you connected is one smart app. If frequent travel is a condition of your career, leaving your family at home alone probably isn’t your favorite thing to do. Put your mind at ease by making built-in home automation & residential security systems a priority. Home Security Systems Most home automation services come hand-in-hand with security services. Even if home automation isn’t a priority for you right now, your circumstances could change in the future. It’s a good idea to go ahead and wire your new construction for home automation now. Then, when you need it in the future, it will cost a lot less to add than it would to run the wiring through a completed structure. Don’t let living in a good neighborhood fool you. Living in a “good neighborhood” can easily instill a false sense of security. It turns out that most burglars aren’t interested in breaking into homes where there is nothing of value to take. They prefer nicer homes where they can find valuables like expensive jewelry or cash. Whatever your decision on home automation, don’t miss the chance to install a home security system. This one factor alone often deters burglars. So, where does security come into play in your new home construction? For one, consider whether you want closed-circuit television to monitor key locations around your home. The best approach is to have an expert security company put the wiring in now. Think about the areas inside and outside that you want to see. Keep in mind that once the house is finished and your security system is in place, the location